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Sometimes the emails contain amazing tips or checklists. Other times, they are stories about me or people I know. Either way, I must be doing something right because people that are thinking about retirement seem to love them.
And when you subscribe, I'll give you a PDF guide called "15 Retirement Planning Tips For People Age 50+" for free, which is packed with 45 pages of retirement ideas to help you make the most of your wealth and life.
Flowcharts & Checklists
Below are over 90 of our flowcharts and checklists to help you with various areas of your finances. We are happy to make these valuable resources available to you for FREE!
General Financial & Tax Planning:
Do I need to start making estimated federal income tax payments?
Am I at risk of having my identity stolen or being a victim of fraud?
What accounts should I consider if I want to save more?
What documents do I need to keep on file?
What issues should I consider at the start of the year?
What issues should I consider during a recession or market correction?
What issues should I consider when moving out of state?
What issues should I consider when dealing with high inflation?
What important issues should I consider regarding changes made by the SECURE Act 2.0?
What documents do I need to collect for filing my 2024 tax return?
Life Events & Aging:
What issues should I consider before I retire?
What issues should I consider if I experience a sudden wealth event?
What issues should I consider when getting married?
What issues should I consider during my divorce?
What issues should I consider for my aging parents?
What issues should I consider if my parent passed away?
What issues should I consider if my spouse has been diagnosed with a terminal illness?
What issues should I consider if my spouse passed away?
What issues should I consider if I get a promotion or a raise at work?
What issues should I consider if I lose my job?
What issues should I consider when having or adopting a child?
IRAs & Roth IRAs:
Can I make a deductible IRA contribution?
Will a distribution from my traditional IRA be penalty-free?
Can I avoid taking my RMD after reaching my required beginning date?
Can I contribute to my Roth IRA?
Should I contribute to my Roth IRA vs my traditional IRA?
Can I make a backdoor Roth IRA contribution?
Should I consider doing a Roth conversion?
Will my Roth IRA conversion be penalty-free?
What will have the least tax impact; capital gain harvesting or Roth conversions?
Will a distribution from my Roth IRA be tax and penalty-free?
Should I inherit my deceased spouse’s traditional IRA?
Can I delay distribution from the traditional IRA I inherited?
Employer Retirement Plans and Pensions:
Should I take my pension as a lump sum?
Should I contribute to my Roth 401(k)?
Can I make a mega backdoor Roth contribution?
Should I rollover my dormant 401(k)?
Can I do a Net Unrealized Appreciation (“NUA”) distribution?
Will I have to pay tax on my qualified Employee Stock Purchase Plan (“ESPP”)?
Social Security:
Am I eligible for Social Security benefits as a spouse?
Am I eligible for Social Security benefits as a surviving spouse?
Am I eligible for Social Security benefits if I’m divorced?
Do I qualify for Social Security disability benefits?
Will my Social Security benefits be reduced?
What issues should I consider with my Social Security retirement benefits?
Health Insurance (Before Medicare):
Will healthcare change as I transition into retirement?
If I retire early, should I buy health insurance through the health insurance marketplace?
Health Savings Accounts (“HSAs”):
Estate Planning & Inheritance:
What issues should I consider before I update my estate plan?
What issues should I consider when reviewing my estate planning documents?
Will I receive a step-up in basis for this gifted property?
Will I receive a step-up in basis for this appreciated property I inherited?
Should I inherit my deceased spouse’s traditional IRA?
Can I delay distributions from the traditional IRA I inherited?
What issues should I consider for my child with special needs?
Small Businesses:
What issues should I consider when starting a business?
Common retirement plans for small business owners
Common pension plans for small business owners
Should I establish a SEP IRA or a SIMPLE IRA for my small business?
Should I set up a traditional 401(k) for my business?
Am I eligible for a Qualified Business Income (“QBI”) deduction?
Will the deductibility of my retirement plan contributions be impacted by the QBI rules?
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Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM PST (Office Hours by Appointment Only)