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Determine Your Risk Score

Are you taking the appropriate amount of risk with your investments? Check out our free 13-question quiz to help you determine what risk level might be appropriate for you by clicking the button below.

Download Our Free Retirement Guide

Free Resources

I'll email you stories, tips, checklists, and more. Initially, you will get daily email for 14 days, and then weekly thereafter. If you can't handle the initial daily emails, DO NOT SUBSCRIBE.

Sometimes the emails contain amazing tips or checklists. Other times, they are stories about me or people I know. Either way, I must be doing something right because people that are thinking about retirement seem to love them.

And when you subscribe, I'll give you a PDF guide called "15 Retirement Planning Tips For People Age 50+" for free, which is packed with 45 pages of retirement ideas to help you make the most of your wealth and life.


Flowcharts & Checklists

Below are over 90 of our flowcharts and checklists to help you with various areas of your finances. We are happy to make these valuable resources available to you for FREE!

(707) 899-1010 ♦ info@swadwealth.com
100 Stony Point Rd, Suite 244, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM PST (Office Hours by Appointment Only)