Want to know more about working with Swad Wealth? 

Check out our FAQs page.

Our simple 3-step Retirement Clarity Process™ will provide you with the answers to four critical questions:

1) When can I retire?
2) How much can I spend in retirement?
3) Is my portfolio invested appropriately?
4) How do I not overpay taxes?

If you’d like to get started, click HERE to schedule a time. During our call I will answer any questions you may have and make sure we are a good fit.

If so, I will guide you though the Retirement Clarity Process™, where you will receive a custom-tailored, complimentary one-time plan with actionable ideas to help you address any financial gaps that could hold you back from your retirement dream.

From there, you can implement the ideas on your own or decide to work with me.  The choice is yours, and there is no obligation.

If you’re not ready to set an appointment right away, check out my guide, “15 Retirement Planning Tips For People Age 50+.”


Call/Text: 707-899-1010

Email: info@swadwealth.com

100 Stony Point Rd, Suite 244
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
(Appointment Only)

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Subscribe now to gain access to exclusive stories, tips, and actionable insights tailored to your financial future. Start with 14 days of daily advice to transform your retirement outlook, followed by weekly updates to keep you on track. Plus, get your FREE copy of 15 Retirement Planning Tips for People Age 50+, a 45-page guide packed with expert strategies to maximize your wealth and life. If you’re ready for serious retirement planning, join today!

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Join Our Email List

Subscribe now to gain access to exclusive stories, tips, and actionable insights tailored to your financial future. Start with 14 days of daily advice to transform your retirement outlook, followed by weekly updates to keep you on track. Plus, get your FREE copy of 15 Retirement Planning Tips for People Age 50+, a 45-page guide packed with expert strategies to maximize your wealth and life. If you’re ready for serious retirement planning, join today!

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Download Our Free Retirement Guide


Subscribe to our email list, and I’ll email you stories, tips, checklists, and more. Initially, you will get daily email for 14 days, and then weekly thereafter. If you can’t handle the initial daily emails, DO NOT SUBSCRIBE.

Sometimes the emails contain amazing tips or checklists. Other times, they are stories about me or people I know. Either way, I must be doing something right because people that are thinking about retirement seem to love them.

And when you subscribe, I’ll give you a PDF guide called “15 Retirement Planning Tips For People Age 50+” for free, which is packed with 45 pages of retirement ideas to help you make the most of your wealth and life.


(707) 899-1010 ♦ info@swadwealth.com
100 Stony Point Rd, Suite 244, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM PST (Office Hours by Appointment Only)