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Emotional Signs You Need To Retire

Emotional Signs You Need To Retire

Being ready to retire is about more than just your financial statements. It’s common for people to get caught up in planning and saving, forgetting about the emotional aspects of retirement planning.

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10 Signs It’s Time to Retire

10 Signs It’s Time to Retire

How do you decide when to retire? Making that leap out of the workforce and into your retirement isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly or made for the wrong reasons. While a bad day at work…

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Are Covered Calls a Good Strategy to Generate Extra Income?

Are Covered Calls a Good Strategy to Generate Extra Income?

A covered call is an options strategy in which an investor holds a long position in an asset (typically shares of stock) and sells (or "writes") call options on that same asset. The goal of this strategy is to generate additional income from the options premium, while...

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Why Should a Couple Aged 50 or Older Consider a Prenup

Why Should a Couple Aged 50 or Older Consider a Prenup

Why should a couple aged 50 or older consider a prenup? Are there any reasons why they shouldn’t consider this? A prenuptial agreement can be particularly beneficial for older couples because they often have more significant assets, prior marriages, and children whose...

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What Would Happen If the U.S. Couldn’t Pay Its Debts?

What Would Happen If the U.S. Couldn’t Pay Its Debts?

Introduction Imagine if the United States couldn't pay back the money it borrowed. It might seem crazy, but let's explore what could happen if the U.S. defaulted on its debt. We'll take a look at how it would affect regular people, the economy, and the global...

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7 Law Changes Pre-Retirees Should Watch Out For

7 Law Changes Pre-Retirees Should Watch Out For

Introduction The SECURE 2.0 Act (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) is a bill passed by the U.S. Congress in December 2021. It builds upon and expands the provisions of the original SECURE Act (passed in December 2019) and includes changes to...

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10 Questions To Ask A Financial Advisor

10 Questions To Ask A Financial Advisor

Are you looking for an advisor overwhelmed by the sea of people that are out there? Or, are you currently working with an advisor and not sure if they are still the best fit for you? Here is a list of ten questions to ask: 1. Are you a fiduciary? A fiduciary is...

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7 Investing Principles Every Teen Needs to Understand

7 Investing Principles Every Teen Needs to Understand

Introduction Learning the principles of investing is important at any age.  They say it is never too late to start investing but there are a million reasons ($$$$) to teach these principles to your children as early as possible.  While teaching financial...

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How to Create a my Social Security Account

How to Create a my Social Security Account

What is a my Social Security Account? My Social Security is a personal account where individuals can view their Social Security Statement online.  The account gives you access to a benefits estimator, your personal earnings history, and other tools. ...

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100 Stony Point Rd, Suite 244, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM PST (Office Hours by Appointment Only)