The Retirement CLARITY Process™
So you’ve decided you want to work with us…
What’s next?
Step 1 - Vision Meeting
In this meeting, we will get crystal clear on what is important to you and create a vision of your most fulfilled retirement. This will help prioritize your values and goals, which helps create a lens to look through when making financial and life decisions.
Step 2 - Obstacles Meeting
With your ideal retirement in mind, we will discuss what could possibly get in the way of your vision. We will figure out how far you are from your ideal life from a time perspective.
Step 3 - Knowledge Meeting
We will address the major areas of your financial life, such as: Investments, Tax Planning, Cash Flow, Insurance, Estate Planning, and more. We will talk about investment strategy, philosophy, and feelings around risk in depth. ensure your portfolio is invested the right way for you, tailored to your goals and feelings around risk.
Step 4 - Execution Meeting & Ongoing Service
In this meeting, we will review our recommendations along with both of our next steps to reaching your goals.
With your initial Financial Life Plan in place, our work has just begun. We believe that the value of planning is the process of planning vs. the plan itself. We prioritize the most important tasks while scheduling others for the future.
We will monitor your plan and proactively reach out to you as opportunities or challenges arise.
We’ll begin our regular review process, where we’ll meet between two to four times annually to make sure you are staying on track with your goals and make updates as your situation changes.
If there are any other pressing items, we will make sure to handle those in a timely manner. Welcome to Swad Wealth!
If this process sounds good to you, the next step is to decide if our qualifications match your needs.
Sign up for Our Free Retirement Guide!

Subscribe to our email list, and I’ll email you stories, tips, checklists, and more. Initially, you will get daily email for 14 days, and then weekly thereafter. If you can’t handle the initial daily emails, DO NOT SUBSCRIBE.
Sometimes the emails contain amazing tips or checklists. Other times, they are stories about me or people I know. Either way, I must be doing something right because people that are thinking about retirement seem to love them.
And when you subscribe, I’ll give you a PDF guide called “15 Retirement Planning Tips For People Age 50+” for free, which is packed with 45 pages of retirement ideas to help you make the most of your wealth and life.
(707) 899-1010 ♦
100 Stony Point Rd, Suite 244, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM PST (Office Hours by Appointment Only)